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Technical Information

a) Physical-Chemical Characteristics



Agrostemin, Vitastemin, Olestemin, Solanostemin, Tomatostemin, Citrostemin, Frutastemin, Betastemin, Majastemin, Melostemin, Zeastemin, Florastemin, Maltastemin, Grinstemin.

Generic Name



Growth bioregulator of natural vegetal origin, exclusively for agricultural use.

Application Method

Seed treatment through spraying, impregnation or immersion. Spraying of the solution during the period of leaf growth and vegetal development.

Product composition

Chemical Composition:

Iron 3.48%
Calcium 1.92%
Magnesium 3.77%
Potassium 0.09%
Manganate 0.10%
Protein (N X 6.25) 2.74%
Water solubility 1.96%
Copper 61.59ppm
Nickel 579.89ppm
Zinc 58.84ppm
Neutral Vehicle c.p.b. 100%

Aminoacids (g/100g of protein)

Aspartic 0.05
Threonine 0.32
Serine 0.35
Glutamic 0.88
Proline (not detected)
Glycine 0.41
Alanine 0.21
Valine 0.49
Isoleucine 0.26
Leucine 0.43
Tyrosine 1.86
Phenylalanine 0.1
Histidine 0.15

Physical Appearance

Microfine powder of grayish aspect


In water ( @20ºC ): 1.10g/l
In organic solvent: <1.0g/l


The active substances and the elaborated product are thermostable in a temperature range from 4ºC to 120ºC, and resist pressure until 3 atmospheres. The product is perfectly stable under normal storage conditions, for a period as of 10 years.

Product Presentation and Packing

Paper envelope of 50 and 100grams
Carton Box of 1,000grams


b) Toxicology

Acute Toxicology

Oral: None of the organisms exposed to AGROSTEMIN for a period of 30 days has shown signs of poisoning or death. Samples taken of the organisms have not  shown any damage of internal organs or tissues.

Dermatological: None of the exposed organisms have shown signs of poisoning, death, pathological alterations of the skin or the subcutaneous tissues.

 Inhalatory: Tests in inhalation rooms have been performed, with exposures of 0.58mg/l for a observation period of 30 days. None of the exposed organisms has shown signs of intoxication. The samples taken of lungs and other internal organs have not shown any damage or pathological alteration.

Irritation of skin and mucous membranes: None of the exposed organisms by a rate of 1.384mg/kg of body mass have shown edema or signs of irritation. No alteration of ocular membranes have been observed.

Chronic Toxicology

From the points of view of pathology and clinic analysis, none of the organisms that have been given AGROSTEMIN with its food, in doses of 1, 100 and 1000ppm have shown any alteration ore signs of intoxication of inner organs or tissues.


Tests performed on Salmonella Typhimurium cultivation in concentrations of 0.1 to 1000ng/sample, with and without the presence of activator systems, have shown some signs of revertible genetic alteration.

Embryonic Toxicity and Teratology

Female organisms in state of pregnancy received AGROSTEMIN doses of 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg/kg of body mass. In none of the breeds have been found malformations, therefore no secondary effects are considered to exist.

Effects on the Nervous System

Organisms have been exposed in several manners to doses of 25, 50, 100, 150, and 250 mg/kg of body mass. No effects on the central nervous system have been observed.

Effects on Sensible Organisms

During the tests performed, there have been no signs which permit to deduce any kind of effect on sensible organisms caused by any of the basic components of the product.

Toxical Information about the blends

The product and its components are of organic nature, therefore they do not represent any risk by being mixed with other substances.

c) National and International Certification and Approval

For the Mexican territory, the natural bioregulator AGROSTEMIN of vegetal origin has been fully certified and approved for use, distribution and commercialization by the following institutions (as stated by the register No. RSCO-0205/1/98):

Additionally, AGROSTEMIN is a product certified and approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington D.C. Mr. Thomas C. Ellwanger Jr, Head Fungicide-Herbicide Branch, Registration Division (TS-767C).

Technology and Ecology in Harmony

AGROSTEMIN is a registered trademark.
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